KiCAD PCB library now supported by SamacSys
Category:3D models,Altium PCB Libraries,Component Search Engine,Component Series,EAGLE library,EPW,LivePartLibrary,PCB Footprints,PCB Libraries,SamTheStickMan,Symbols,Uncategorised,UpdatesKiCAD PCB library format is now supported by ComponentSearchEngine.com
KiCAD PCB Library – Schematic Symbols and PCB Footprints can be downloaded and seamlessly inserted into the KiCAD users library
KiCAD users have 3 options available to them from the http://ComponentSearchEngine.com
1. Download ready made symbols and footprints. Millions of parts available.
2. Fast Build with our online IPC compliant PCB Library Wizard.
3. Request our team build the part models for FREE! during 2016 90%+ of free requests were turned around in under 24 hours.
About SamacSys:
SamacSys is the leading developer of software tools for creating and managing electronic component ECAD data.
Our mission is to provide companies with a suite of software tools and high quality content to select, manage and distribute Electronic Component information effectively throughout their organisations.
Our customers range from individual engineers to international brands whose revenues run into the $billions. With thousands of customers in over in over 100 countries around the world, SamacSys is recognised as the global leader in Electronic Component software solutions
We’re very proud to have been the chosen partner of leading names such as RS Components, Allied Electronics, Zuken, Target3001, ON Semiconductors, ST Microelectronics and many more.