SamacSys and EasyPC Announce Partnership
Category:3D models,Component Search Engine,PCB Footprints,PCB Libraries,Symbols,UncategorisedSamacSys and EasyPC have today announced the integration of the SamacSys Component Search Engine in to the V22 release of Easy PC enabling users to have access to the vast database of component PCB footprints, symbols & 3D Models.
As well as providing its EasyPC users with access to over 14 million components, Component Search Engine provides Easy PC users with many other benefits:
- The ability to drag and drop PCB footprints and symbols directly in to their EasyPC design
- Manufacturer values added to components; values such as part number and price are added to the component within EasyPC upon download.
- Live pricing and stock can be checked from leading suppliers such as RS, Mouser, Farnell & Digikey. Everything an Electronics Engineer would want in one place!
- Up to date and accurate datasheets.
Within the industry, engineers face many challenges. One of the largest is the amount of time that is wasted on things that aren’t actually key to them completing the design on time. How much time do you spend (waste) completing mundane tasks? Not sure what I mean by mundane tasks? How about these things:
- Trying to find the correct datasheets for the components you are considering for your design.
- Creating component footprints and symbols
- Correcting issues caused by human error
- Phoning suppliers to compare prices and to find out stock levels
As well as 15 million+ components, we host many millions of datasheets, so you can save a lot of time by using Component Search Engine for your datasheet needs.
Whilst there are a vast number of component footprints and symbols already in our database (ready for immediate, free download), you’ve come across a part that you need that isn’t in the database. Worry not, simply request the part you require, and you’ll be notified in super quick time when your part is ready. In over 90% of cases, the footprint and symbol will be created within 24 hours.
The quality of the footprints and symbols from SamacSys is very high, with numerous checks in place to make sure you get the models you need, exactly as you need them. Have you ever downloaded a TO-220 symbol to find it is a generic file which assumes you’re happy “making do”? We build our footprints using individual manufacturer data, so you can be sure that the footprint you receive is for the part you are designing in.
SamacSys is the leading developer of software tools for creating and managing electronic component ECAD data. We have hundreds of thousands of repeat users, spread across over 180 countries. By partnering with EasyPC we give their users all of our industry leading solutions, within a high quality EDA package; meaning you get your design to the prototyping stage quicker.