Cryptocurrency mining – Powered by SamacSys
Category:PCB FootprintsCryptocurrency mining is a hot topic at the moment with the value of Bitcoin rising so dramatically, but how do you ‘make’ crytocurrency?
Cryptocurrency mining is a hot topic at the moment. The latest edition of Electronics Weekly contains a story that one of our friends (Neil Birtles) has kindly provided to them. Neil explains how he built his very own Cryptocurrency miner to produce an alternative to Bitcoin called Verium. Verium is the world’s first Binary Blockchain Protocol.
His Cryptocurrency miner obviously contains electronic components and circuit boards (PCBs). SamacSys provided all of the Schematic symbols & PCB Footprints for his PCB, free of charge. This allowed Neil to spend more time designing so he could complete his project more quickly and fire up his mining machine sooner! find Symbols, Foorptints and 3D models at www.ComponentSearchEngine.com
Read the full article – Click Here. (Page 21 in print | Page 28 online)
SamacSys provide engineers free access to high quality PCB symbols, footprints and 3D models through the website – www.ComponentSearchEngine.com