Complete range of JST PHD shrouded headers now available
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The PHD series is the latest JST connector series to be offered for download from SamacSys.
The best part is – they are FREE.
Just visit www.componentsearchengine.com, type your search criteria in to the box and you will be able to have high-quality PCB footprints and schematics downloaded DIRECTLY to your design.
About JST
JST (UK) Ltd hold the belief that every product they manufacture must excel at meeting the needs of the customer. This approach reflects their steadfast adherence to several principles: to develop products with the utmost speed; to manufacture only components that demonstrate the highest level of reliability and quality; to ensure timely delivery through meticulous processing and inventory management; and to reduce costs by improving efficiency.
About SamacSys
SamacSys is the leading developer of software tools for creating and managing electronic component ECAD data.
Our mission is to provide companies with a suite of software tools and high quality content to select, manage and distribute component information effectively throughout their organisations.
Our customers range from individual engineers to international brands who’s revenues run into the $billions. With thousands of customers in over in over 100 countries around the world, SamacSys is recognised as the global leader in Electronic Component software solutions.