Diptrace PCB design software now fully supported!
Category:3D models,Altium PCB Libraries,Component Search Engine,Component Series,EAGLE library,EPW,LivePartLibrary,PCB Footprints,PCB Libraries,SamTheStickMan,Symbols,Uncategorised,Updates
We are delighted to announce that SamacSys now fully support the Diptrace PCB format within our PCB Library solutions.
You can get started here: http://ComponentSearchEngine.com/
About Diptrace
Diptrace provide affordable, powerful and easy-to-use solution for electronic engineers worldwide. Diptrace PCB software uses intuitive features and commands based on long-term heavy involvement into electronic designers community and observations how EDA software is actually used. We listen carefully to our customers telling us about their needs.
DipTrace PCB software has received excellent reviews from the press and community. It has 14 years of history and thousands of satisfied users from Fortune 500 corporations to self-employed engineers worldwide.
About SamacSys:
SamacSys is the leading developer of software tools for creating and managing electronic component ECAD data.
Our mission is to provide companies with a suite of software tools and high quality content to select, manage and distribute component information effectively throughout their organisations.
Our customers range from individual engineers to international brands who’s revenues run into the $billions. With thousands of customers in over in over 100 countries around the world, SamacSys is recognised as the global leader in Electronic Component software solutions.
By supporting the Diptrace PCB design software, we have further increased our support for the ECAD tools our customers use.